Benefits of Alkaline Water


Alkaline Water

The best water for you and your family



Article is Partially Adapted From Dr. David S. Dyer
“The Best Water to Drink for Your Health”

One of the most important and yet very often neglected topic today is WATER. Water is not only scarce but the quality of water is steadily deteriorating due to over-farming and industrialization. While we expect our municipal water plants to provide us with safe drinking water at affordable prices, most of us are looking for something more than just “safe”. Increasingly, people want cleaner and healthier water for drinking.

Why Alkaline Water is The Best Water for Our Health?

tab1-imageThe Japanese have long been known as the healthiest nation on earth and alkaline ionized water has been widely used in their households since the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law first approved it in 1965. In the wake of increasing public interest in drinking water and health in recent years, tremendous amount of research efforts have proven the validity of this health water – the Alkaline Ionized Water.


You may wish to browse our web resources that link to these research and clinical studies.


The Japanese have researched this subject for close to fifty years now and have found that drinking alkaline ionized water improves general well-being and more notably it can relieve or reduce the three main causes for sickness, disease and pre-mature aging – over acidity, dehydration and the premature aging of cells, tissue and organs in our body.


Alkaline Water Restores The Balance of pH in Our Body

tab2Most of us tend to be over acidic in our body. The food that we eat burns with oxygen in our cells to produce energy (metabolism). After burning, the food becomes acid wastes and the cells dump them into the bloodstream. Our body tries its best to get rid of these wastes through urination, respiration and perspiration. Unfortunately, most of our bodies cannot get rid of all the wastes as quickly as we wish. The major hindrances include our lifestyle (lack of rest and exercise), our diet (too much meats, processed foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol), and our polluted environment (with huge amounts of free radicals in the air and water) that destroys much of our healthy cells daily. If these wastes are not flushed out, they are stored somewhere in our body.


In order to stay alive, our blood and cells must always remain slightly alkaline. What happens when we have too much acid wastes? Well, the body does two things to stay alive. First, it can draw on the alkaline reserves stored in our body and the easiest would be to “steal” the calcium from our bones to neutralize the over-acid balance. Another way is for our internal buffering system to convert these acid wastes into solid wastes. You see, when these acid wastes are solidified, they can be parked away easily without affecting the pH of the rest of the body. These acid wastes can be stored in many places, including body fats. Increased fats production can be a result of increased acid waste demands for storage. So less acid wastes less fats needed! You are about to find out that it’s not fats that make you fat, it’s the acid! Drinking alkaline ionized water is the fastest and most efficient way to alkalize our body. We are meant to be alkaline on the inside of our bodies and that is the reason why our nutritionists and dietitians are nagging us to have “vegetables and fruits daily!” These are the alkaline foods that promote alkalinity in our bodies.


To find out more about this topic, you can read Gary Tunsky’s book “The Battle for Health is Over pH: Life and Death Hangs in the Balance”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at

Alkaline Water Helps in Weight Management

tab3As explained earlier, when our body becomes over-acidic, fats become a friend not a foe! Acid waste travels throughout the body in the blood and due to the high amount of acidic food and drinks we consume daily, the acid waste is being parked in fatty deposits instead of being eliminated via the kidney and liver as it should be. These fatty deposits are stored as far away from our vital organs as possible; hence the weight gain that typically occurs on the chest, buttocks, thighs and belly. To look at it one way: this fat is saving our lives by protecting our body’s vital organs from damaging acid waste. The more acid waste we have the more parking spaces (fats) we need to store them away in order for our blood to remain slightly alkaline. So in essence, it is acid that make us fat not fats!


How then can we rid these acid wastes from our body? The nature of alkaline ionized water with much smaller water cluster size penetrates effectively and very quickly into these acid blocks (they can also become road blocks that clog our blood capillaries), disintegrating and flushing them out of our joints and muscles, our thighs and buttocks, and even out of our head (migraines or headaches are symptoms of over-acidity in our body!). Alkaline water helps to flush out these acid blocks allowing fat cells to be eliminated quickly and effectively from our body. Weight loss is almost inevitable if you’re eating a healthy diet and drinking alkaline ionized water. Research has also shown that overweight individuals have a lower percentage of total water content than individuals who maintain a healthy weight. So make sure you drink to hydrate your body and drinking alkaline water is the best choice for health and for beauty!


To find out more on this topic, you can read Dr. Robert Young’s book “The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at


Alkaline Water Slows Down Aging

tab4I don’t have to spend much time talking about the damage that free radicals can do. Almost everyone is aware of the premature aging and destruction that these renegade molecules are doing in our body. They cause our body to oxidize or “rust” on the inside. You can see some of the damage in the form of excess wrinkles on the outside of our skin. What’s worse is that these renegades come to “steal, kill and destroy” our healthy cells, tissues and organs.


How do we slow down or stop this damage? Antioxidants are the answer. Every supplement company markets them. Alkaline Ionized water made with electrolysis functions as an antioxidant. The water is loaded with additional negative electrons that can be used by your body to neutralize these free radicals in our body.


To find out more on this topic, you can read Dr. Sang Whang’s book “Reverse Aging”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at

Alkaline Water Improves Our Immunity

tab5Alkaline ionized water made using electrolysis produces much smaller cluster of water molecules. Quoting Dr. Robert Young “Instead of a big water ball trying to penetrate into our cells, we now have a much smaller water ball entering our cells” to irrigate our entire cells network better and more effectively. It penetrates faster, bringing along the nutrients and oxygen needed by the cells and more importantly, because of its permeability into our cells, it also helps to bring out the toxins and the wastes out of our cells with greater effectiveness.


It is this unique property of the alkaline ionized water that enhances the operation of our immune system. The immune system refers to our body’s ability to fight disease and resist infection.


Normally, when a virus enters the body, it creates toxins and wastes that travel in our blood. If these viruses are not combated quickly, we become ill. Drinking alkaline water helps send the antibodies created by our immune system quickly and effectively into our cells, combating these viruses and flushing them out just as quickly for removal and discharge out of our body system. So imagine how quickly we can recover from that cold virus when we drink alkaline water to boost our immunity!


To find out more on this topic, you can read Bob McCauley’s book “The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water – The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at

Alkaline Water Enhances Detoxification

tab6As our body works to keep us alive, it’s processes within produces waste that can cause severe acidification of our tissues and organs if not eliminated. With enhanced negative ions produced by ionization through electrolysis, coupled with the property of smaller water cluster for penetration, we have found that the alkaline water has the high energy capacity and the ability to easily dissolve and get rid of harmful acidic waste that accumulates in tissues and organs. So let’s flush out the toxins!


Studies have shown that within a short ninety days, various patients experience better digestion. Colonoscopies also yield images that show a drastic before and after, where the cleansing is apparent. The “before” picture illustrates an intestinal wall that is caked with accumulated waste, while the “after” picture shows a colon that is healthy and free of acidic waste. Our digestive tract is an extremely important to our body, and by cleansing our colons by consuming alkaline ionized water, we are helping to improve the general functionality of our bodies.


To find out more on this topic, you can read Bharti Vyas & Suzanne Le Quesne Bharti’s book “The pH Balance Diet: Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at


Alkaline Water Super Hydrates Our Skin

tab7Less wrinkles, no more scaling and a much younger you!


Most of us are dehydrated and we don’t even know it! When our wrinkles show or when we see scaling on our arms or legs, we immediately think of applying moisturizer on our skin. But the root of the problem is under the skin. You should read “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., his book will help you understand the vital importance of water for health and for beauty. Not all water helps to hydrate our body efficiently. Take distilled water for example. This water is dead and devoid of all minerals. It is very acidic and will tend to dehydrate you.


You see, alkaline water, made using electrolysis, has smaller water cluster size that penetrates into our cells much faster, hydrating us faster from within. In addition, it carries the nutrients and oxygen to our cells more efficiently and removes acidic cellular waste with greater effectiveness. We have received several testimonies of ladies who suffer from dry skin and even scaling on their legs. But after consuming alkaline water for a month, they experience the difference of a younger looking skin without having to pay for the expensive moisturizer.


o find out more on this topic, you can read Dr. F. Batmanghelidj’s book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at


Alkaline Water Helps Energize Us

tab8Alkaline water is rich in ions and has a much higher content of oxygen and alkaline minerals due to the ionization process. When we take a walk in the park, we feel refreshed and energized because of the abundance of ions produced by the green around us. When ionized water is consumed, the cellular water environment improves within the human body in the same way. This leads to better health and overall well-being. Drinking alkaline water rejuvenates us daily.


To find out more on this topic, you can read Bob McCauley’s book “The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water – The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at


Alkaline Water is Preventive Healthcare

tab9It is logical that you should attempt to repair your body before disease strikes. It only makes sense that we give as much effort towards disease prevention as possible. Some studies show that in the healthcare system, only 1/16th of all health expenditures are attributed to disease prevention. The rest is put towards disease treatment. Doesn’t it make sense to focus on prevention rather than treatment? Also, if and when disease does strike, it’s important that our immune system and other vital systems are able to react swiftly and efficiently. Consuming ionized water helps to maintain good health and keep our organs in great shape!


To find out more on this topic, you can read Michelle Schoffro Cook’s book “The Ultimate PH Solution: Balance Your Body Chemistry to Prevent Disease and Lose Weight”. This book is available in most major book stores or you can also order this book on our online book store at